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My dear TCILians,

A very warm greetings to each and every one of you. It gives me immense satisfaction to complete close to 4 years at the helm of your prestigious company.

Like last thirty one years spent in Department of Telecommunications, these four years have passed by very quickly. Although, previous journey was immensely empowering, I was hugely conscious of the enormous task and responsibility both at personal and professional level that the coveted role of CMD TCIL entailed.

So far, this has been a transformative journey. Company has achieved tremendous growth and reputation. TCIL has achieved a turnover of about Rs. 2603 Crores during the year 23-24, a healthy growth of 30% over previous year besides an order book of more than Rs 4500 crores. Your company has successfully & completely come out of COVID induced slow down. TCIL is definitely poised for a period of unprecedented growth.

As your company grows, the system and process driven decision making becomes imperative. TCIL has taken big strides in such endeavour-

  • To improve productivity, efficiency, reduce time in decision making and bring sense of responsibility within organisation, steps have been taken to empower the executives at various levels to provide them autonomy in taking business decisions. The delegated structure suits TCIL's business model wherein goods and services are procured & delivered to external clients. Clubbed with appropriate and meaningful due diligence with our partners/vendors/OEM- has given an competitive edge.
  • Remodelled business verticals to suit technology advancement. Such as "Digital Transformation", "Emerging Technologies", "Data Centre & Cyber Security", "Telecom" , "Supply Chain Management" and "Infrastructure"
  • Resource mobilisation with Special & requisite skillsets in above fields by deploying various cost effective models of engagements.
  • Our executives are our capital resource. Continuous and directed training intervention to fill competency gaps has been institutionalised encompassing "behavioural", "Functional" and "Domain" knowledge aspects.
  • Transparent and codified HR policies impart a sense of fairness and belongingness to all TCILians. Seniority list publication, HR charter, On time Promotions, enhanced OPD limits are a few of many steps having been taken.
  • During last 3 years the revenue of TCIL grew by 47% whereas revenue per employee increased by 72% reaching to Rs.3.6 Cr per employee which is highest among its competitors.
  • EBITDA of TCIL increased by 44% in last 3 years and EBITDA per employee increased 67% reaching to Rs.17 lakh per employee, sixth highest among its peers.
  • On consolidated basis your company had loss of Rs.259 cr in FY 2020-21 with profit of Rs.527 Cr in FY 2021-22.
  • The 30% stake of TCIL in Bharti Hexacom were valued at Rs. 5260 Cr in Year 2021 & with efforts of TCIL, once BHL turned profitable the valuation increased to about Rs.9500 Cr in Year 2022. The sale of 15% stake in BHL fetched Rs 4275 Cr through successful IPO in April 2024. Balance 15% stake at current market price is valued at Rs.10,650 Cr. Thus benefit to GOI would be more than Rs. 5400 Cr, over and above approved valuation & Rs. 10,000/- crores above initial valuation in 2021. Disinvestment of equity stake in BHL is testimony to transparent way the disinvestment precess was conducted to fetch best returns to GoI.
  • Celebration of TCIL foundation day
  • Instituting annual achiever awards for recognition of meritorious performances by individuals and Divisions
I would like to acknowledge and applaud the spirit and courage of fellow employees, who are fighting day in and day out to keep TCIL at this level. This includes several employees of our Company, who are constantly working hand in hand with the clients and are working tirelessly to serve our customers, our communities and our company. My heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all of them. They are doing a great service to the Company and to our nation.

Our Company now an industry pioneer will take innovative measures with in-house and global players to optimise values and enhance brand image of TCIL.

I specially look forward to my colleagues Shri Arun Kumar Chaubey, Director Projects, Shri D. Porpathasekaran, Director Technical and Shri Surajit Mandol, Director Finance and all Executive Directors whose support, experience and knowledge is going to be vital in taking forward this company to the trajectory of high growth.

I hope each employee shall continue to work to its full potential as a team to achieve TCILs vision and mission. The TCIL flag and its reputation depends on you more than anyone else.

I convey my thanks to each employee of the Company, without whose sincere efforts and enduring commitment, the Company would not have performed and sustained during these very difficult and challenging times. I extend my sincere gratitude and thanks to the various government organisations and authorities, company's valued customers, suppliers, vendors, investors, bankers, and stakeholders, for the consistent and resolute cooperation and trust. Kindly join me in taking a pledge to undertake the role assigned to each one of us with sincerity, dedication and cooperation.

Together, we are committed to transform TCIL into a ‘First Choice of Customer’ company standing on the solid foundation of customer trust and loyalty. In the words of the famous, author Napoleon Hill-“Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.”

Together we will make this journey worthwhile. Thank you.