Integrity Pact
In order to ensure transparency, equity and competitiveness in its procurement, TCIL has adopted Integrity Pact in its tenders. The Integrity Pact (IP) envisages an agreement between the prospective Vendors/ Bidders/ Contractors and the Employer, committing that the persons/ officials of both the parties shall not resort to any corrupt practices during the tendering process and contract execution.
The details regarding the applicability, submission and signing of the Integrity Pact are specified in the Bidding/ Tender documents for respective packages.
The Independent External Monitors (IEMs) would be monitoring the bidding process and execution of contract and shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of Integrity Pact Program to prevent corruption, bribery or any other unethical practices. The following have been appointed as Independent External Monitor(s) (IEMs)
Bidder shall be required to submit the Integrity Pact as per the format specified in the bidding documents of respective packages.
The Bidder(s), in case of any dispute(s) / complaint(s) pertaining to any package may raise the issue either with the designated 'Nodal Officer' in TCIL or directly with the IEMs as mentioned above.
Integrity Pact for vendors:-
- Integrity Pact (w.e.f 11.10.2023)(127.62 KB ,EN)
- Format for Reference to IEMs(10.78 KB , EN)
- Integrity Pact (w.e.f 11.10.2023)(127.62 KB ,EN)
Minutes of vendors meet held on 29.03.2019(409.00 KB)