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TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) is an open standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI standard EN 300 292). TETRA was specifically designed for use by government agencies, emergency services, (police forces, fire departments, ambulance) for public safety networks, rail transport staff for train radios, transport services and the military. TETRA technology has come into existence under ETSI standard and has been adopted in India by various Government departments and agencies. The design of the TETRA network is based on a large cell philosophy unlike cellular networks. Since the cell size in TETRA networks is small it requires different frequencies to be used in the adjacent cells. TCIL provides Turnkey and consultation services in both TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) and DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) fields. TCIL has implemented the latest TEA3 Air Interface Encryption and AES 128 End-to-End Encryption (for security of communications), which was deployed in the Network for the first time in India. We also have expertise in authentication, air interface encryption, end-to-end Encryption with automatic personal Location Positionong System.

Department of Information Technology, Govt. of NCT of Delhi (GNCTD) Project

Department of Information Technology, Govt. of NCT of Delhi (GNCTD), implemented Secured Communication Network based on latest Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) communication technology. The Project intends to provide efficient Communication System which can work across in different Groups for secure, seamless, instant and un-interrupted communication between various Govt. agencies, viz., Delhi Police MCD, Health, Fire, CWG organizing Committee, etc across the whole of NCT of Delhi during CWG period and thereafter for further seven years. Un-interrupted communication capability in disaster management applications is also the other hallmark of the project.

GNCTD engaged TCIL as Project Management Consultancy for execution of this project. The Project, which is the largest TETRA project in India, was implemented in a record time of nine months as compared to similar International implementations. The Network comprised 2 fully redundant Control Centres, 54 Base Stations (towers) and redundant backbone network. A total of 5000 nos. of TETRA radio sets are working out of which 80% are being used by Delhi Police and rest by other public safety agencies like Health, Transport etc.

The latest TEA3 Air Interface Encryption and AES 128 End-to-End Encryption (for security of communications) was imported from Germany and deployed in the Network for the first time in India.

Various Govt. agencies used during CWG 2010 and are using this common Network for independent as well as for inter-Department communication in the most secure manner. During CWG, the Tetra radio terminals were extensively used by various concerned Agencies all over Delhi, with special emphasis on Games Venues, control rooms and routes used by DTC buses in ferrying players from Airport/ Village to all venues and back. A major challenge of providing Indoor and Outdoor RF Coverage at Jawahar Lal Nehuru (JLN) Stadium, which was also venue for Games opening & closing ceremony, was meticulously constructed under the guidance of TCIL. The RF coverage at JLN stadium was flawless and was appreciated by one-and-all including the foreign delegates using the TETRA radios sets. The TETRA Network contributed immensely to safe and successful conduct of CWG 2010 in the midst of open terrorist threats to disrupt the same.