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1. Modernization & Mobility of Police Force, Modernization & Up-gradation of Police Communication Network, Crime & Criminal Tracking Network Systems (CCTNS) and Integrated Criminal Justice System.
2. Official Role Management through On-line/Off-line Mode, Data Digitization and Migration, Capacity Building and Change Management, Training and Handholding Support including advanced training for system administration and network troubleshooting, Workshops for Programme Sensitization and Awareness for Client’s personnel of all ranks.
3. Reduction in AT&C losses, achievement of commercial viability, reduction of outages & interruptions and increase in consumer satisfaction in Power distribution sector.
4. Setting up of IT infrastructure for collection of baseline Energy and Revenue DATA, Customer Care Centre, Data Centre & DR Centre, Call Centres and other Centres of utility forming platform for system and process automation through LAN/WAN for Subdivision, Division, Circle, Headquarter Offices including Integration of the entire IT infrastructure with existing legacy systems, if any.
5. Consultancy, System Integration, monitoring and evaluation of commissioned Hardware, Software as per project requirement and assessment of Tutorials/Training for Capacity building and Change Management of staff/officers of the department to enable them to smoothly adopt the new IT-enabled system.
6. ICT @ Schools project incorporating ICT Labs, Smart Classrooms and Science Kits for High & Higher Secondary Schools. 7. School/College/Technical College/University Management System having provision of student intake at Admission stage to Pass out stage status of each student along with provision for Parent/Guardian login for student’s performance monitoring including Masters, Research and PhD and Alumni program.
8. Preparation of DPR, RFP, Bidding Process Management, Bid Evaluation, Vendor Selection and Contract Award and Third Party Audit for IT related projects.
9. Access Control, RFID, GPS, Security Surveillance and Video Conferencing Project implementation and Warranty & AMC support. 10. E-Office/Digital Document Filling System (DDFS) and HR Application software for Paperless office work for transparency and better work efficiency and HR Management